After successfully purchasing the product, the registration information will be sent to your email within 1 hour automatically by our system. If you have not received it yet, please check your spam folder.
In most cases, the registration code will be sent to your email within an hour of the order being successfully processed. If you have not received the registration code, please check your spam folder for the email. If there is no email in the spam folder, please check to see if your order was successfully created. If yes, send your order ID, purchase email to (Replace # with @), we will check.
1. After purchasing the Foneazy product, you will receive an email with the registration code. Copy the registration code from the email.
2. Open the Foneazy software on your computer and click the Register icon in the top right corner. Paste the registration code here.
3. Click the Register button to proceed. You will get a pop-up window that shows you have successfully registered. You can read this tutorial to find more details.
Please ensure that you have purchased and installed the correct product. Please make sure you copy and paste the registration code correctly and that your computer has a stable internet connection when registering the product. If the issue persists, please contact our customer support team ([email protected]) to troubleshoot the issue.
If you have forgotten your registration code, please send your order ID or order email to our support team.
You've reached the 5 device limit in your plan, in this case, you can upgrade your plan here or contact support team to customized plan.
Currently it's not available to reset mobile devices, if you would like to enroll more devices, you need to upgrade your plan, click "Business" tab in the pricing page to upgrade your plan or contact support team for customized plan.
No, you cannot change the licensed email address as it is the unique identifier of your account.
Yes, the license key can be used on 1 PC or Mac, you can contact us to reset the license, so you can switch from Windows to Mac or vise versa.